It’s Easier to Win Your User Back. Look How Muzli Did It.

They say it is easier to retain a user who wants to take the exit door than acquire a new one – not just in terms of the efforts that the Marketing and Sales teams put into acquisitions, but also in terms of the money spent on them.
Today, out of curiosity, I added Muzli, a Google Chrome extension to my toolbar. No sooner had I added it I removed it because I didn’t find a need for it. And here’s what the intermediate page looked like when I hit ‘Remove’.

I loved it instantly for four simple reasons.
Yes, there is a problem.
Convincing a user to stay back begins by acknowledging that there is a problem. And the problem here is change. I, for instance, did not like the way the home page of a new tab changed when I clicked the Muzli Extension. It wasn’t bad; it was just new!
We know how that must feel.
When there is an issue, there is discomfort. More than anything users what to be heard. If you have a great product but no one to listen to the grieving user, your product is a lost bet.
But, hey, we have a solution!
Nothing makes a user happier than a solution/fix to the issue. It’s easier to provide one when you know your product well and you care enough for your users.
Try it; you’ll like us. 
No, it doesn’t end with a solution. If you do not direct the user towards the desired action, they are as good as lost. And the best way to do that is with a simple and straightforward call-to-action button.
Their content didn’t win me back to adding the Muzli Extension to my toolbar because I didn’t have a need for it, remember? But they now have one more subscriber to their newsletters.

If you are looking for design inspiration, you know where to head to!

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