What’s it with Content Marketing for Luxury Brands Anyway?

What’s it with Content Marketing for Luxury Brands Anyway?
How difficult can it be to draft marketing content for a luxury brand/product? It’s just another brand after all. More expensive. That’s all. No?
Well, we had to run a mailer campaign for a luxury product. (No brownie points for guessing!) As always the case here, every campaign began at the content writer’s desk. I did a lot of research on the internet and skimmed through multiple brands’ websites to understand what made them stand apart from the rest of their peers. I found that brands such as Apple, Jaguar, Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, (in no particular order) had three things in common.
Luxury has another name – Exclusivity.
Imagine this, if anyone could walk into a Louis Vuitton showroom and pick a bag off the shelf, would it be Louis Vuitton enough?
Users/customers don’t want anything that is less than tailor-made. Be it the product you sell or the content that reaches their mailboxes. Make sure that the content you churn out addresses them exclusively.
See, see, how Chanel does it.

Elegance and Minimalism – How do you convey elegance through content?
It’s simple. Do it with the right choice and minimum count of words. Content that is not too loud and extravagant, but simple and subtle sells best to the elite audience.
When you write, think Apple!

In the end, the only aspect that matters most is the one paying for your product – the end-user.
Remember that your user must at all times be the crux of your content/marketing; NOT YOUR PRODUCT. A product exists only because of the user.
If you take the user out of the equation, you can kiss your product goodbye.
You can start with these while I put together more learnings from many such campaigns for my next post. Meanwhile, if you have any insights to share on this one, drop them as comments.

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