The Subject Line Had Me Cringing. The Open Rate had me Grinning.

Image Credits: Vertical Response
Do you know what it is like to place your cards on the table in a poker game? You either take the pot or swallow down lessons for the next game. That’s e-mail marketing!
From that perfect copy, to eye-grabbing visuals, to testing whether it reads alike on every device and on every platform, to finally triggering that blessed e-mail to a large user base – I must confess – it is absolutely maddening to put together an e-mail marketing campaign!
Imagine this – you have an amazing product and an even more amazing e-mail that will pitch for sales to the users. But what if your users never noticed your e-mail? What if they left it sitting unopened in their mailboxes? Isn’t it similar to watching your sales guy knock on locked doors?
So, here’s a thing or two that I learned from a recent e-mail marketing campaign that we pulled off whose subject line made heads turn, faces go pale, earned few tweets from customers, and made me write this blog post.
Subject line is most important to any e-mail marketing campaign. It is the bait that gets the user to open your e-mail. Don’t expect it to do anything other than that! Remember that if you can’t get your users to open your e-mail, you miss an opportunity to sell your product/service to them.
The subject line is not a lead generator. That is what your CTAs are for. If you want leads, either have a kickass USP or a kickass product/service. There is no bargaining here!
If you ask Google for the best subject lines in e-mail marketing, you’ll find the infamous “Hey” in the top 5 of any list. Don’t even/ever try using it for a subject line.You are not Obama!
Hint: If you were a customer receiving the e-mail, what subject line would most likely get you to click open the e-mail?
No. There is no rule book on how your e-mail marketing campaign will perform. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise because your product is constantly evolving. On the other hand, your users are exposed to a variety of online content that what they like today will not be of interest to them tomorrow. Such a combination will keep you second guessing always!
So, let the numbers do the talking. Run A/B tests to track how your e-mails are doing. These numbers don’t just tell you how much sales you are most likely to make, but also tell you what not to do in your next campaign.
A/B Testing requires planning just like any other aspect of a marketing campaign. More of that in another post.
Ah! That’ll be enough from me. Over to you – share your thoughts on the last campaign that you were part of or tell me what I missed mentioning in this post.
And yes, I wrote that controversial subject line you may see in your inbox! (winks)

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